Inspiration for your Spring Garden
Our extensive range of spring flowering bulbs is here and by choosing them early you can pick your favourite colourful varieties like - a gardener's sweet shop!
Bulbs bridge the gap from winter into spring and onto summer. Autumn is the perfect time for you to plan and plant the beautiful displays you want to create this season and reap the benefits next year.
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Enjoy bulbs bursting out of the ground, with snowdrops greeting you from January followed by Crocus appearing like little colourful jewels. Daffodils radiate the colours and tones of sunshine, blooming reliably year after year. Tulips are an essential ingredient to the makings of a spring garden due to the vast choice of colours and shapes which means you can make a statement both in the ground or in a container. Alliums are one of the last bulbs to flower leading us into early summer with their strong structural shaped flowerheads adding pops of purple to your border.
You can create beautiful displays by combining bulbs and layering them in your pots, we like to call this bulb lasagne! This is where the flowers come up at different times so you can have a dense and long-lasting display, providing you with months of flowers for very little effort.
How To Make a Bulb Lasagne
Step 1
Drainage is key; place plenty of crocks or stones in the bottom of the pot followed by a layer of compost. Bulb fibre is ideal as it is perfectly balanced for your bulbs, otherwise, you can use a peat-free, multi-purpose compost mixed (2/3) with grit (1/3).
Step 2
Starting with the largest bulbs such as Alliums, create the first layer, leaving a couple of centimetres between the bulbs and ensuring they are not touching the sides of the pot. Add compost to cover this layer and place the next layer of bulbs above such as Tulips, and Narcissi. Repeat for the final layer of small bulbs such as Muscari, Crocus and Anemone.
Step 3
Plant the top of the pot with winter bedding, Violas and Pansies work very well as the bulbs will happily grow through them and around the other bulbs layered above, still reaching their ultimate heights. Now you can move it into position and water well!
Top Tip - check the flowering month on each bulb packet to ensure a flowering succession of colour and interest from February to May! Crocus are a wonderful top layer in a bulb lasagne as they are like early spring jewels, flowering well before the tulips.
Bulb Essentials
We look forward to seeing you gardening,
Matthew, Charlotte and all the Team